Live Blood Analysis
What Is Live Blood Analysis?
Live Cell Blood Analysis is simple, quick and accurate with immediate results discussed and viewed together on a monitor. Using a disposable lancet, we create numerous blood samples. This small sample can provide an amazing amount of information.
Live blood testing enables us to see how your blood behaves in your body. Looking at the blood under a light and dark field microscope, we are able to see how healthy the cells are, how clean the plasma is, as well as any signs of degeneration and aging. Parasites,multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies, toxicity, tendencies toward allergic reaction, excess fat circulation, liver weakness, and hydration status are just a handful of what can be viewed under the blood.
This insight is helpful because it can be used to source out ailments in your body and it can be used as a preventative measure. Seeing the blood live, enables us to highlight areas in the treatment plan that can help you heal faster. This method of analysis is different from the usual laboratory tests that quantify the levels of certain components in a sample of blood. Live blood screening gives an indication as to the QUALITY of an individual’s blood – an important foundation of preventative health care showing the effects that diet, lifestyle and stress can have on our well-being.
What Do I Need to Know Before My Appointment?
Come as you are for your first appointment. No preparation needed as we want to see you just as you are.

Clumped Red Blood Cells
Decreasesoxygen delivery
Decreasesnutrients delivery
Increases plaque build-up
Increases work on heart

Seperated Red Blood Cells
Increases oxygen delivery
Increases nutrients delivery
Increases circulation
Decreases plaque build-up
Decreases work on heart
What Will Live Blood Analysis Reveal?
Immune system function
Free radical cellular damage
Cell size & shape abnormalities
Early recognition of cardiovascular risk factors
The condition of red blood cells
Nutritional imbalance including folic acid, B12, and iron deficiency
Evidence of hormonal imbalances
Digestive system conditions
Metabolic by-products including undigested proteins and fats, uric acid crystals
Atherosclerotic plaque
Toxins in blood plasma
Heavy metals and chemicals
Poor circulation and oxygenation levels
The overgrowth of microorganism – Bacteria parasites, Candida/yeasts/fungi levels
Clotting abnormalities
Liver and spleen stress
Allergy or inflammation
Lifestyle and Diet
What Can I Expect?
Each appointment is 60 minutes in length. You will receive suggestions, and report with pictures emailed to you after the appointment. Jeremy will explain your analysis as it is unfolding under the microscope. A notebook and pen are recommended as there will be a lot of information covered. A follow-up appointment is recommended 3 months after or once you have finished course of recommended treatment.