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The Positive and Negative Mental-Emotional Attributes of the Liver & Gallbladder According to TCM

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Spring is in the air! I want to share more information on how Spring and its corresponding organs; the Liver and Gallbladder play a major role in your emotional health. Just as the old saying goes "out with the old, in with the new" our bodies are following the pattern of "Spring Cleaning". It is a time of cleansing and renewal, according to Chinese Medicine theory the Liver and Gallbladder rule the free flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body which enables the body to detoxify itself. Thus, Springtime brings us a new found determination in our mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Let's start with the positive attributes:






During this time, it is a great time to start new goals, push our personal boundaries and seek personal development and growth.

Negative attributes:






This time is also perfect timing for letting go of bad habits; smoking, coffee, alcohol for example. Springtime is a natural boost in your step and committing to a new exercise routine can also be energizing throughout this booming time of year.

The more negativity you have in your life it will further damage your Liver. Stress negatively impacts the Liver and Gallbladder systems. Symptoms will occur such as irritability, headaches on the vertex, red eyes, bitter taste in mouth, waking up between 3-5am, insomnia, red eyes/skin/face, and in chronic cases high blood pressure. So let's take care of ourselves give our Liver a little TLC this spring.

I want to encourage acupuncture treatments at this time of year especially to get out any negative feelings you may have bottled up, to hide nothing from ourselves, free repressed desires, alleviate emotional pains that need to be carefully brought to the surface and let go of. Acupuncture can help you spring clean your body from the inside out.

Fresh Nettles will soon become available and these are a wonderful liver soother. You can make them into tea or add them to a green leafy stir fry. The Liver and Gallbladder love greens. Eating more salads becomes more acceptable as the weather gets warmer.

Kelsey Bru is a licensed acupuncturist and TCM Herbalist in the Comox Valley, British Columbia. She loves sharing her passion for herbal remedies and lifestyle tips through her online articles and at her clinic, The Remedy Room, on Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay. Call for an appointment at 250-800-7738.


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